Thursday, December 20, 2007

My Moral Compass

The three most important factors that affect my value system are

- Parents, they have taught me acceptable/unacceptable behaviour that they expect in the family

- Friends, they tell me their opinion on what is right or wrong, and how they feel about it.

- Tv/ media, they inform you on what they think is right in the public, or what is wrong.

I do not believe all morals are equal. I feel it is ok because, that is their belief, or maybe even their religion. We are all raised differently, and should be open to other peoples opinions. We should also learn to respect their opinions, and not judge other people for their belief's.

I am a person who see's alot of gray areas in many issues. I prefer to wait and hear all of the opinions said before speaking. For example, I would like to do as much research as possible and ask questions before sharing my opinion.

I have some strong beliefs that may change over time, but some will stay. Some things that will effect me will possibly be, advertisements or Tv. Friends could also have the effect on me as well. I always listen to there opinions and learn from them. I also like being informed about the effects on whats changing.

I think it is acceptable to impress my value system on others because maybe they will accept my beliefs and agree with them like I do. Hopefully their opinions will change in my favor.

I think the death penalty is good. I think they should legalize it in canada. I agree with this because, if someone has killed another person for no reason, they to should feel the pain. I dont think jail is punishment for them. They think of is as the easy way out, but if they were to be in jail for a certain amount of time, and then be killed I think it would scare them out of killing.

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Lovely Bones By Alice Sebold.

page 135 second to last paragraph. That night, as he had more and more often, my father stayed up by himself in the study. He could not believe the world falling down around him--how unexpected it all was after the initial blast of my death. " I feel like I'm standing in the wake of a volcano eruption," he wrote in his notebook. "Abigail thinks Len Fenerman is right about Harvey."

I understand this quote to mean that the father is struggling for his loss, and everything is seeming to blow up around him. The father thinks that his next door neighbour is the killer, and nobody understands it. His daughter Lindsey who is his second daughter is acting out, and cannot deal with her sister being dead. His son doesn't understand the situation, and his wife is a wreck and he feels that he doesn't know who she is anymore.

I can relate to this quote because my mother went through the same thing last year when her brother died. He died on Christmas eve, making it much harder for my mother to get over. It was such a sudden death that no one expected it. I think that was one of the worst Christmases ever. I think that every Christmas will be a sad one for her, because of the memory of her brother's death.

I think the father will eventually get over it, and move on but always have those thoughts of his daughter, just like my mother's gotten over it, but will still have those thoughts of my uncle.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Some of the important facts in this article were that gossip accounts for 55 percent of men's conversations and 67 percent of women's conversations. People and journalists like to gossip because it provides a sense of belonging and connectedness. It also leads us to feel morally superior, and it helps us discern moral standards and helps us bond with others. This also shows that between the ages of 25 and 45 societys prime consumers,become upset by serious news stories about war, conflict and poverty. The reason why people gossip so much is because they have a low self esteem, and they try to regain some semblance of control over their existence.

I think gossiping is wrong. It makes people feel bad about themselves, or feeling hurt about the decision they've made. It doesnt help when people talk about it, when the fact is it happened a long time ago. I think gossiping is wrong, but when its good about someone, and you know its going to get back to them, its okay. Telling someone that you really respect that person, and you would do anything for them, is okay because you know its going to get back to them and they will learn to have respect for you. I admit I have talked about other people before, but im learning because I do not like it when people talk about me, so I know how it feels.

Friday, November 16, 2007

English 11

My personal reaction is that the song makes me understand about love.
My thoughts are that love is hard to come by, and when you have it, hold it. It also makes me happy. I can make a connection with my mom, because I don't give her nearly enough credit when I should be understanding. I should be grateful for her, because she does do much for me, and I treat her like dirt. She makes my dinner, and cleans my clothes and, she loves me like she should. She treats me fairly and is very understanding and puts up with my moodiness. I like the quote " its so easy to get lost inside a problem that seems so big at the time, its like a river thats so wide, it swallows you whole" I like that quote because it puts all your problems past you, and lets you see them so you can forgive and forget. What I like about it is that it's calm, and the words relate to everyones problems with there parents, or maybe even someone else. I cant remember where I first heard it, but when I did I downloaded it.