Friday, November 23, 2007


Some of the important facts in this article were that gossip accounts for 55 percent of men's conversations and 67 percent of women's conversations. People and journalists like to gossip because it provides a sense of belonging and connectedness. It also leads us to feel morally superior, and it helps us discern moral standards and helps us bond with others. This also shows that between the ages of 25 and 45 societys prime consumers,become upset by serious news stories about war, conflict and poverty. The reason why people gossip so much is because they have a low self esteem, and they try to regain some semblance of control over their existence.

I think gossiping is wrong. It makes people feel bad about themselves, or feeling hurt about the decision they've made. It doesnt help when people talk about it, when the fact is it happened a long time ago. I think gossiping is wrong, but when its good about someone, and you know its going to get back to them, its okay. Telling someone that you really respect that person, and you would do anything for them, is okay because you know its going to get back to them and they will learn to have respect for you. I admit I have talked about other people before, but im learning because I do not like it when people talk about me, so I know how it feels.

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