Wednesday, January 16, 2008

All Hail MacBeth!

Part 1:
In the movie/play of Macbeth the first thing that happens is Banquo and Macbeth are coming back from war when they run into three ugly witches. One of the witches says that Macbeth will be king, and will also be Thane of Cawdor. He is now the Thane of Cawdor. King Duncan decides to stay at Macbeth's house. Lady Macbeth gets excited, and decides a plot to kill King Duncan, so her husband can become king of Scotland. Her plot succeeds when Macbeth kills Duncan, and tries to hide his tracks. King Duncan's sons Malcolm, and Donalbain decide to flee so they can't be killed.

Part 2: Macbeth is a good and bad character. He is a bad Character because he gets manipulated easily by his wife, and does what he is told from her. He ever so badly wants to become king, and will do anything to get it, including murder. He is a good character because he is loyal to his wife when he is away at war, and he treats her with respect and loves her.

Part 3: If I was the director of this play/movie I would change it in a couple of ways. First off Banquo and Macbeth are coming back from a politician speech, when they decide to go into a shop to hear about their future from 3 psychics. One of the psychics says that Macbeth will be Head of state and will also be President of the United States. He becomes head of state. President Duncan decides to stay at Macbeth's mansion. Mrs. Macbeth gets excited and decides a plot to kill Duncan so her husband can become President of the United States. Her plot succeeds when Macbeth kills Duncan by using a gun and then he tries to cover up his tracks. Duncan's sons Malcolm and Donalbain decide to flee so they can't be taken to jail.

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